Spend any time researching everyday carry gear, and you’ll inevitably come across an article or video about the EDC of a Navy Seal, Green Beret, Delta Operator, etc.
It’s definitely fun to see what highly capable shooters choose for their loadout. But it’s also very easy to get caught up in the latest gear, always chasing the next greatest thing.
But here’s what we tend to forget: These are people who’s job it was to train to the highest level of proficiency. Their capabilities had to be so far and above ours because their mission was to close with and destroy the enemy, often under very austere conditions.
None of that reflects our reality as civilian defenders. Now that’s not to say that their gear selections can’t or shouldn’t INFLUENCE ours. But selecting a certain gun/holster/etc. just because some SOCOM face-shooter did doesn’t guarantee it’s the appropriate choice for our needs.
You can give me a full complement of the latest Snap-On tools, but that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly able to restore a vintage race car.
It’s important that we take a realistic look at our individual mission set and risk profile, as well as an objective assessment of our abilities and skill set.
Read the full article here